Messages From Hell

Zombies and ghosts can’t save people. Can you imagine what Lazarus would have looked like if he stepped back into his body, crawled out of his grave, and then showed up at his brothers doors to pass along that message?

The Fear of God

It wouldn’t be worthy of respect if I could kick the dog without fear of retaliation. In the same way, when we do evil or dishonor God, of course there will be consequences. The power and goodness of God demand it. By definition, we should and do have a fear, a healthy reverence of God.

Sometimes It Takes Distress (6/4/13)

Please forgive the slightly different look to this post. You can see how The River Walk has evolved as this one is actually from four years ago today. I would never have guessed, when writing this at the time I would be living here less than two years later. Read: 2 Samuel 22:1-23:23, Acts 2:1-47, Psalm 122:1-9,…